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Old Spice Swagger Scent of Confidence Body Wash for Men, 30 fl. oz 2pk

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Old Spice Men's Body Wash cleans skin and throws odor out on its ear. With 24/7 lasting freshness with daily usage, you can feel confident in your clean. Put a small amount in your hand, loofah or washcloth in the shower or bath, work up a lather, and use to clean your body. For maximum freshness and confidence, use every day. Where does confidence come from? Does it fall from the sky like rain or grow from the ground like plants? The answer is no, of course not. Confidence is quarried in the Red Zone in great blocks which are chopped down to fit into the Old Spice Red Collection. Swagger has the undeniable scent of confidence, which happens to smell like fresh lime and cedar wood. Old Spice Men's Body Wash drop-kicks dirt and odor for you, so you can focus on higher pursuits like closing deals or teaching dolphins to speak. Don't deny your drive to impress. Get into the Old Spice Swagger and never doubt yourself. For smelf confidence head to toe, pair with Old Spice Swagger Antiperspirant & Deodorant, which also smells like cedar wood and lime and is available at Sam's Club. Old Spice Swagger body wash favors the bold. 

  • Swagger Scent of Confidence, Body Wash for Men, 30 fl. oz., Pack of 2
  • Swagger is the scent of confidence, which happens to smell like lime and cedarwood
  • Step out of the shower fresher and manlier than ever
  • Old Spice Men's Body Wash cleans away dirt and odor

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Old Spice Swagger Scent of Confidence Body Wash for Men, 30 fl. oz 2pk


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